Monday, April 20, 2009

Charging in, writing the good part!

The next part of the screenplay I have to write is the scariest part!

Not scary as far as whats happening in the story- just scary for me to write. This is the climax, the top, the part that made me write this story.

I've pictured it a million times. I've written in it novel form at least twice. And now, I'm structuring it in script form.

As I've mentioned before, thinking of the story in film version has made me cut off a lot of fat that I now know is not needed in this story at all.

The thing about the script that I don't like is the loss of detail, the loss of thoughts and textures. I didn't think I had any of that until I did this! That's very encouraging to me.

I'm getting excited about noveling this again. With the boring parts gone, it frees me up to spend lots of time working on the beautiful parts.

I'm charging in, taking on a scene that changes everytime I re-write this story. I don't know how it will play out, even now, but I know how it ends!

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